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New Safety Initiative to Prevent COVID-19,Kiwi technology assists on Japanese retail AEON Hypermarkets/supermarkets with smart AIoT solutions & services,Realize “uninterrupted” smart air quality monitoring and management service

The COVID-19 epidemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide, the business operation of many industries has been changed, which has brought many challenges. The demand for digital transformation has driven many companies to accelerate the deployment of AIoT technologies such as Automation, Smart and Intelligence and to solve current and future facing problems in order to ensure the continuity of business development. Industries such as logistics, retail, and pharmaceuticals have been greatly affected by the epidemic and demand for the use of AIoT technology has increased.

AEON, the international tier retail hypermarket chain in Japan (the group company issued the “New Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention Agreement”, issued in June 2020, issued in November 2020, and revised in April 2021), in order to conform to the Japanese government’s “Declaration of Emergency” and announcements Guide and strengthen the management and control of people flow monitoring in supermarkets, buildings, and public spaces to comply with the “Three Cs” regulations. Starting from April 2021, Kiwi Technology and AEON Delight’s smart air quality management solutions and services based on cloud service (SaaS) will be fully introduced, and temperature, humidity, and CO2 LoRa wireless sensors will be used, including alarm lights and displays, to create a fully coverage wireless monitoring of the Intelligent Internet of Things (AIoT) network, which can grasp CO2 changes in real time, and provide relevant information to the public, supermarkets and other related personnel in a timely manner, so as to avoid excessive crowds and gathering changes.

AEON is the biggest retail in Asia. Its central idea is to “create a space that forms a connection with the community” and continue to provide new discoveries in the daily lives of customers. In order to cope with the spread of the new Covid-19 infection, all employees will jointly take epidemic prevention measures in accordance with the newly released epidemic prevention agreement, so as to improve the health and life of customers and employees, and become a regional lifeline that will protect and promote local people in order to provide a “SAFE” shopping environment.

With the spread of the new crown virus infection, the “safety” standards required by people are changing. In order to surpass these standards, Kiwi Technology’s “Smart Air Quality Monitoring and Management” IoT solutions and services are working hard to create “Public Space Facilities Management” The new standard of “in response to the Covid-19 epidemic” to prevent new life after the Covid-19 epidemic to prevent contact infections. At the same time, this smart AIoT solution will also be promoted to the AEON Group. Although various anti-epidemic measures have been implemented to prevent droplet infection, new anti-epidemic Initiative must be implemented continuously. In this society, epidemic prevention has become a part of our lives to protect the health and livelihood of customers and employees. We will provide a “SAFE” facility and shopping environment to protect the health and life of the people in real time.


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